Targeting multiple Spark versions with sbt-projectmatrix


I was recently involved in projects that had to work on multiple Spark versions. One of them is an open-source project that targeted Spark 2 and Spark 3 for a while; the other one a collection of internal ETL applications that the team migrated to Spark 3 but also had to support Spark 2 for a longer period of time due to external constraints. Spark 3.0.0 finally ditched the archaic Scala 2.11, making it necessary to cross-compile the library for multiple Scala versions. While almost perfectly source-compatible, it also broke the code a few places where we directly depended on Spark internals. Moreover, some libraries don’t have an overlapping version range with both Scala 2.11 and Scala 2.12 support, requiring us to use separate versions of these libraries. In this blogpost, I am going to show how sbt-projectmatrix can be utilized for cross-compilation with possibly different set of dependencies and platform dependent shims where necessary.

Disclaimer: sbt-projectmatrix is experimental at the time of writing this article.

Project skeleton

In this article, I am going to walk through a project that targets the following combos:

  • Spark 2.4 / Scala 2.11
  • Spark 3.1 / Scala 2.12
  • Spark 3.2 / Scala 2.12
  • Spark 3.2 / Scala 2.13

Note that Spark 3.2 is still very fresh at the time of writing this article, and not many third-party Spark libraries have Scala 2.13 jars published to Maven Central. If you have such dependencies you won’t be able to build this target yet. Scala 2.13 is the first version to support compiling to Java 11, which is also supported by Spark 3.2. I’ll explore this in the article.

We start by creating a project and adding sbt-projectmatrix as a plugin.


addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-projectmatrix" % "0.9.0")

sbt-projectmatrix works by creating subprojects for each combination. Each subproject may have different settings, sources, dependencies, etc. Let’s create the subproject matrix with the same name as the project itself.


import sbt._

ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.6"

val commonSettings = Seq(
  version := "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
  libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.1.0" % Test,

lazy val `spark-matrix-example` = (projectMatrix in file("spark-matrix-example"))
  .settings(commonSettings: _*)

Notice the use of projectMatrix instead of project in the last statement. Also, using file(".") wouldn’t work because the matrix contained multiple subprojects after adding rows to it.

To target different Spark versions, we have to create a VirtualAxis for it. The targeted Spark versions will be the axis values (rows). Let’s put the source in project/Build.scala:

case class SparkVersionAxis(sparkVersion: String) extends sbt.VirtualAxis.WeakAxis {
  val sparkVersionCompat: String = sparkVersion.split("\\.", 3).take(2).mkString(".")
  override val directorySuffix = s"-spark${sparkVersionCompat}"
  override val idSuffix: String = directorySuffix.replaceAll("""\W+""", "_")

The plugin offers two flavors of VirtualAxis: StrongAxis and WeakAxis. the latter essentially marks it nullable, i.e. allows us to depend on a subproject which does not specify a Spark version. This is handy if we have subprojects without Spark dependencies (e.g common utils, business logic). directorySuffix and idSuffix govern the name of the row-specific source directory name and the module name respectively. We include only the first two components of the Spark version, that should be enough to determine compatibility.

We can add the axis rows to the matrix with ProjectMatrix.customRow. Here’s a basic configuration for Spark 2.4 added to build.sbt:

lazy val spark24 = SparkVersionAxis("2.4.7")

lazy val `spark-matrix-example` = (projectMatrix in file("spark-matrix-example"))
  .settings(commonSettings: _*)
    scalaVersions = Seq("2.11.12"),
    axisValues = Seq(spark24, VirtualAxis.jvm),
      moduleName := name.value + spark24.directorySuffix,
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "org.apache.spark" %% s"spark-core" % spark24.sparkVersion % Provided,
        "org.apache.spark" %% s"spark-sql" % spark24.sparkVersion % Provided,
        "org.apache.spark" %% s"spark-hive" % spark24.sparkVersion % Provided

Sources under src/main and src/test are shared across rows, i.e. they get included for all Spark / Scala versions. This is where the majority of the code should ideally live. Let’s add a test to assert that the configuration works so far.


package eu.szakallas

import org.scalatest._
import flatspec._
import matchers._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

class SparkExampleSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
  lazy val spark = SparkSession.builder

  "Spark" should "work" in {
    println(s"Running Spark ${spark.version} on Scala ${util.Properties.versionNumberString}")

Running sbt test should print:

[info] SparkExampleSpec:
[info] SparkExample
[info] - should work on Spark 2.4.7 / Scala 2.11.12

Multiple rows

Time to add the other Spark versions. We can do that by chaining all of them with customRow. However, let’s remove some of the duplication by extracting the common configuration to an extension method.


import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.VirtualAxis._
import sbt.internal.ProjectMatrix
import sbtprojectmatrix.ProjectMatrixKeys._

case class SparkVersionAxis(sparkVersion: String) extends sbt.VirtualAxis.WeakAxis {
  val sparkVersionCompat: String = sparkVersion.split("\\.", 3).take(2).mkString(".")
  override val directorySuffix = s"-spark${sparkVersionCompat}"
  override val idSuffix: String = directorySuffix.replaceAll("""\W+""", "_")

object SparkVersionAxis {
  private def sparkDeps(version: String, modules: Seq[String]) = for {module <- modules} yield {
    "org.apache.spark" %% s"spark-${module}" % version % Provided

  def isScala2_13(axes: Seq[VirtualAxis]) = {
    axes.collectFirst{ case ScalaVersionAxis(_, scalaVersionCompat) => scalaVersionCompat }.map(_ == "2.13").getOrElse(true)

  def isSpark2_4(axes: Seq[VirtualAxis]) = {
    axes.collectFirst{ case v@SparkVersionAxis(_) => v.sparkVersionCompat }.map(_ == "2.4").getOrElse(false)

  private val classVersion = System.getProperty("java.class.version").toFloat

  implicit class ProjectExtension(val p: ProjectMatrix) extends AnyVal {
    def sparkRow(sparkAxis: SparkVersionAxis, scalaVersions: Seq[String], settings: Def.SettingsDefinition*): ProjectMatrix =
        scalaVersions = scalaVersions,
        axisValues = Seq(sparkAxis, VirtualAxis.jvm),
            moduleName := name.value + sparkAxis.directorySuffix,
            libraryDependencies ++= sparkDeps(sparkAxis.sparkVersion, Seq("core", "sql", "hive")),

            scalacOptions += {
              if (isScala2_13(virtualAxes.value)) {
              } else {
            Test / test := {
              if (!(isScala2_13(virtualAxes.value) && classVersion < 55) && !(isSpark2_4(virtualAxes.value) && classVersion > 52))
                (Test / test).value
          .settings(settings: _*)

Besides setting moduleName and libraryDependencies I also configured the Scala compiler to use the Java 11 target when using Scala 2.13. build.sbt becomes a lot shorter:

lazy val `spark-matrix-example` = (projectMatrix in file("spark-matrix-example"))
  .settings(commonSettings: _*)
  .sparkRow(SparkVersionAxis("2.4.7"), scalaVersions = Seq("2.11.12"))
  .sparkRow(SparkVersionAxis("3.1.2"), scalaVersions = Seq("2.12.12"))
  .sparkRow(SparkVersionAxis("3.2.0"), scalaVersions = Seq("2.12.12", "2.13.6"))

sbt projects should list four subprojects now

[info] 	  spark-matrix-example_spark2_42_11
[info] 	  spark-matrix-example_spark3_12_12
[info] 	  spark-matrix-example_spark3_2
[info] 	  spark-matrix-example_spark3_22_12

To be able to execute all tests, we should be on Java 11 or later, as the last combo targets that version (bytecode version 55) and will fail on Java 8 as it is unable to recognize the bytecode. However, the bytecode toolkit that Spark 2.4 uses when serializing executor procedures is not compatible with Java 11. As a workaround, I ignored the tests on incompatible platforms by overriding the Test / test task of the subprojects. Automating the tests to run on different JVMs are left to the interested reader.

Adding a shim

While Spark is quite conservative regarding public API changes, we can run into source compatibility issues if we depend on internals. For example, the SerializableConfiguration helper, used for passing a HadoopConfiguration to the executors, is private in Spark 2.4, causing this example to emit a compile-time error:

package eu.szakallas

import org.scalatest._
import flatspec._
import matchers._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration
import Inspectors._

class SparkExampleSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
  lazy val spark = SparkSession.builder

  "SparkExample" should s"work on Spark ${spark.version} / Scala ${util.Properties.versionNumberString}" in {
    val hadoopConf = spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
    hadoopConf.set("mykey", "myvalue")
    val serializableConf = new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf)
    val results: Array[Boolean] = spark.sparkContext
      .parallelize(1 until 10)
      .map { _ => serializableConf.value.get("mykey") == "myvalue" }
    forAll (results) { _ shouldBe true }

The implementation is only a few lines. We can add a shim only to be included in the Spark 2.4 target.


package org.apache.spark.util

import{ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration

class SerializableConfiguration(@transient var value: Configuration) extends Serializable {
  private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
  private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    value = new Configuration(false)

Notice that the file is placed in to scala-spark2.4-jvm, not scala. This way the file is only included for the Spark 2.4 target. Including in all versions wouldn’t cause any issues in this particular case, however there are instances where this is unavoidable. Using this method, we can segregate any platform-dependent source code we encounter.

Different dependencies

We can add different dependencies to the subprojects, as demonstrated here with com.audienceproject:spark-dynamodb. Note that the library does not support Scala 2.13 at the time of writing this article, so I excluded it from one of the subprojects in this hypothetical scenario. Of course, in a real project we either have to wait for the authors to publish it, or contribute ourselves.

val Spark2DynamoDB = "com.audienceproject" %% "spark-dynamodb" % "1.0.4"

val Spark3DynamoDB = "com.audienceproject" %% "spark-dynamodb" % "1.1.2" excludeAll (

val `spark-matrix-example` = (projectMatrix in file("spark-matrix-example"))
  .settings(commonSettings: _*)
            scalaVersions = Seq("2.11.12"),
            settings = Seq(
              libraryDependencies ++= Seq(Spark2DynamoDB)
            scalaVersions = Seq("2.12.12"),
            settings = Seq(
              libraryDependencies ++= Seq(Spark3DynamoDB)
            scalaVersions = Seq("2.12.12", "2.13.6"),
            settings = Seq(
              libraryDependencies ++= { if (!isScala2_13(virtualAxes.value)) Seq(Spark3DynamoDB) else Seq() }


Using an uberjar is the easiest way to submit an app to Spark. The sbt-assembly plugin adds this functionality and works more or less out of the box. Add to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0")

By running sbt assembly, all subprojects’ artifacts are created. One thing I didn’t quite like is their names, i.e


It would be better if the names contained the axis coordinates. We can add those by customizing assemblyJarName in build.sbt:

val commonSettings = Seq(
  version := "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
  libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.1.0" % Test,
  assembly / assemblyJarName := {
    { moduleName.value + "_" + scalaBinaryVersion.value + "-" + version.value + ".assembly.jar" }

This produces the following results:


Now we can upload the assembly JARs to a blob storage, etc. without name clashes.

In case of libraries, sbt package will create a package that contains the axis suffix by default, so no additional configuration is needed.

Final words

sbt-projectmatrix is an experimental sbt plugin, but can prove very useful when targeting multiple Spark versions, as it comes with challenges more lightweight approaches cannot handle. The project files accompanying this blogpost can be found at to make it easier to try out.